Ms. Cisneros has previously written introductions, prologues, books,

and is currently a column writer.


- Column Writer for the newspaper “El Nacional”, of Venezuela, her column is published every Sunday.


CIFO – Book introductions:

- No black / No white (no and): On Latin American Art in the 21st Century

- Adiós Utopia: Art in Cuba Since 1950

- Liquid Sensibilities

- Toda percepción es una interpretación: YOU ARE PART OF IT

- Gustavo Pérez Monzón TRAMAS

- Intersecciones (después de Lautréamont)

- Impulse, Reason, Sense, Conflict

- Unsaid/Spoken (Callado / Dicho)

- Los Sitios de la Abstracción Latinoamericana

- El Dilema del Prisionero

- Tacita Dean:Obras Fílmicas

- Pulsos de la Abstracción en América Latina

- Permission To Be Global / Prácticas Globales

- No Yo: Sujeto a Cambios

- Del Interior hacia Afuera, la Fotografía después de la Forma

- ¿Cómo queremos que nos gobiernen? (Figura y Fondo)

- Estructuras y Documentos, Prácticas Conceptuales

- Objetos Afortunados

- Formas de Clasificación: Conocimiento Alternativo y Arte Contemporáneo

- Archivo Diferido

- Más allá del Delirio / Estados Indeterminados

- Existir en el Mundo

- 10 Floridanos

- Dubling


Purchase Ella's book:



These are just some of the many awards that have been presented to

Ms. Ella Cisneros as recognition for her vigorous and extensive work

in her life that touches her career and philantropical side.

- World of Dreamers Award 2006 IFB Group

- Art Lima Reconocimiento Trayectoria 2018

- Premio Pond’s en Arte y Cultura

- Latin American Experience, Honoree, MFA The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, 2017

- Asociacion Civil Hogar Santa Maria de la Caridad por Fundacion Together Venezuela

- Junior League of Miami, 2007 Honoree

- Museo Cubano de Arte y Cultura, Grande Benefactores, Miami, FL 1981

- Cervera Real Estate Miami Ambassador Award, 2004 Red Cross Sara Hopkins

- The Bronx Museum of the Arts, 2016

Ms. Cisneros first love and passion is translated in Art.

This includes the following as her many forms of expression of art.



CIFO | Cisneros Fontanals Art Foundation

Founded in Miami in 2002, the Cisneros Fontanals Art Foundation (CIFO) is dedicated to the promotion of understanding and appreciation of contemporary Latin American art and artists. This is achieved through an array of initiatives, including grants, commissions, exhibitions, and the production of bilingual publications. CIFO articulates its mission via three core programs: The Grants and Commissions Program, which supports visual artists from Latin America; an international exhibitions program that presents works from the Ella Fontanals-Cisneros Collection; and foundational support for various arts and culture projects.

Over its 18 years of operation, CIFO has mounted numerous exhibitions both within the United States—in cities such as Miami, Los Angeles, New York, and Boston—and internationally, in locations including Palma de Mallorca, Spain; Bonn, Germany; Zurich, Switzerland; Cuenca and Quito, Ecuador; Havana, Cuba; Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Belo Horizonte, Brazil; and Lima, Peru. The Grants and Commissions Program, in particular, has been instrumental in enabling Latin American artists to gain recognition on a global scale.

Furthermore, the foundation has established partnerships with prestigious institutions worldwide, such as the Coleccion Mercantil in Venezuela, the Wallach Gallery at Columbia University, and the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston. Within Miami, CIFO has collaborated with the New World School of the Arts and the art-in-residence program Cannonball, among others. These partnerships have facilitated a variety of cultural projects and the publication of numerous collection catalogues.

In 2011, CIFO expanded its international footprint by inaugurating CIFO Europa in Madrid, marking a significant step in its mission to enhance the global visibility of Latin American contemporary art. This expansion is a testament to Ms. Fontanals-Cisneros's ongoing commitment to this endeavor.



EFC Collection (Personal Collection)

Previous Exhibitions

  • An Emphasis on Resistance
  • Under Construction. Latin America Narratives in the CIFO Collection
  • SinCrónicas. Horizons of Peruvian Contemporary Art from the Collecting Perspective
  • Plural Domains: Selected Works from the CIFO Collection
  • Construções Sensíveis: The Latin-American Geometric Experience in the Ella Fontanals-Cisneros collection
  • Strategic Immersions: First Stop
  • Gustavo Pérez Monzón: Tramas
  • Triángulo: Loló Soldevilla, Sandu Darie and Carmen Herrera
  • Adiós Utopia: Dreams and Deceptions in Cuban Art Since 1950
  • 2017 Grants & Commissions Program Exhibition
  • Construções Sensíveis: The Latin-American Geometric Experience in the Ella Fontanals-Cisneros collection
  • Liquid Sensibilities
  • Toda percepción es una interpretación: YOU ARE PART OF IT
  • Gustavo Pérez Monzón: Tramas
  • Intersections (after Lautréamont)
  • Impulse, Reason, Sense, Conflict.
  • Forms of Classification: Alternative Knowledge and Contemporary Art Jump Cuts
  • Fleeting Imaginaries
  • Miquel Navarro: City Methaphors
  • Tomás Saraceno/ Jarbas Lopes
  • Beyond Delirious
  • Indeterminate States
  • Alexander Apóstol: Savage Modern │ Magdalena Fernández: Surfaces
  • DEFINING Experiments
  • Perspectives
  • Positions in Context
  • Fortunate Objects
  • Interrogating Systems
  • The Prisoner's Dilemma



Miami Art Central [MAC]

In 2003, Ms. Fontanals Cisneros established the Miami Art Central (MAC), which significantly enriched Miami's cultural landscape by introducing major international art exhibitions. These exhibitions included video art from the prestigious Centre Pompidou and Reina Sofia, as well as a solo exhibition of the renowned South African artist William Kentridge.

In 2012, Ms. Fontanals-Cisneros took a further step in disseminating the richness of Latin American art by publishing her first book, "Pulses of Abstraction in Latin America." This publication offers a comprehensive analysis of one of the most dynamic and essential movements within Latin American art, showcasing selections from her personal collection. Over the past two decades, Ms. Cisneros has contributed several significant publications focusing on her exhibitions and the breadth of her collection.

Highlighting the foundation's dedication to promoting Latin American art, in 2017, the Cisneros Fontanals Art Foundation (CIFO) released two pivotal publications. These works document the foundation's first fifteen years of continuous effort in the art world and include a special publication on the "Adios Utopia (Goodbye Utopia)" exhibition. This particular exhibition, which explores Cuban Art from the 1950s to 2014, exemplifies the foundation's commitment to Latin American art, having traveled from the Museum of Fine Arts in Houston to The Walker Art Center, further establishing CIFO's influence in the international art community.



Art Boards

Ms. Cisneros previous and current art board memberships through out her career.


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